If you’re thinking about attending cosmetology school, you’ll likely wonder how you will pay for your education. Fortunately, there are many options that can make cosmetology school possible. Your program costs will include tuition, student kits including styling tools, study books, and an application fee.

Financial aid, scholarships, and payment plans can help you cover these costs, so you can be on your way to a rewarding career in cosmetology with an educational foundation at our school.

What Are Your Financial Aid Options?

Financial aid may include federal and state grants, student loans, scholarships, and payment plans. To access federal financial aid options, you will need to fill out your Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA®.

  • Grants – Federal Pell Grants and the state-administered Tolbert Grant are awarded based on financial need. Unlike student loans, grants do not need to be repaid upon completion of your education. The Pell Grant may be put toward any school-related costs, including tuition, fees, and supplies. The Tolbert Grant, however, may only be applied to tuition costs.
  • Student Loans – Along with grants, your FAFSA® may allow you to qualify to borrow money via federal student loans. Federal student loans offer fixed interest rates and may be subsidized so that interest does not accumulate on your loan until you graduate. Unsubsidized federal loans still offer benefits over private student loans, as they allow for income-driven payment plans as well as potential loan forgiveness for qualifying individuals.
  • Scholarships – Where grants and subsidized loans are awarded based on need, scholarships are awarded based on merit. There are numerous scholarships available for those pursuing a career in the beauty industry. You’ll need to apply for different scholarships individually, but you may find some help in completing your applications from the financial aid team at Blades School of Hair Design.
  • Payment Plans – Our school also provides individual payment plans, which are developed on a case-by-case basis. Payment plans may include quarterly or monthly payments and will vary depending on how much federal aid is being used as well as the amount of your down payment.

Where to Look for Scholarships

One of the most notable beauty school scholarships is issued by Beauty Changes Lives—since launching in 2013, Beauty Changes Lives has awarded more than 500 scholarships to individuals pursuing careers in cosmetology. There are several other industry scholarships you may qualify for, and our team can help you explore these opportunities and submit your applications.

Learn How To Enroll

If you’re ready to pursue an education in beauty, get in touch with our team! We’d love to talk further about what payment options may be available to you to make your beauty education affordable. Plus, you can tour our school to get a feel for the culture and meet our passionate instructors.

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California, Maryland

22576 MacArthur Blvd,
California, MD 20619, USA


Monday-Thursday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED
*Appointments Recommended*